unusual SA-MP lag

So basically my problem is with each and every server i join i get an extra 200+ ping randomly jumping around, now its only started since
i upgraded to windows 7 which was the about 2 days after i upgraded to 0.3, I have gone back to 0.2 and still the same lag.
I don't lag on any other games such as l4d2 mw2 and other steam games its only SA-MP
My specs are
Dual core 2.4ghz
3gb ddr2 ram
gts 250
500gb Samsung hard drive
Any help would be well appreciated

Rather than posting your machine specs, maybe a bit of info about your connection speed and method... Such as, Is it ADSL, Cable or Wireless...

But, Since you say it started happening after Windows 7, I'd say that that, seriously has something to do with it.

Back in the days of the Win98/ME/XP migration, There were various stupid things that M$ put in, that did muck around with connections. Such as TCP/IP Limits or something... I can't remember straight out, But really, XP is the best...

I'm yet to try run SAMP on an ME Based machine... XD

(BTW, I hate M$, and really, ONLY use XP now. I used Windows 7 for a few days, and it was alright, But I couldn't stay with it, and only wanted to test the Windows 7 80% loading and Permissions issues for SAMP)

If possible, Maybe...

You could try using another PC with SAMP on that same connection... Just to see...

If you both connect at the same time and you have 200 more ping, then thats the PC/OS/Software/Hardware of that computer...

If they get the same ping... then it'd be the connection/router.

Somewhere along the way M$ decided on this "Automatic" stuff for networks, Which included finding routes and DNS without it being specified... It failed miserably, and I wouldn't put it past them to try it again...

Oh sorry about that my connection speed is 1500/256 im using a wireless connection i have a 2wire 2701HGV-W modem
And yes i tried it on my other pc once other then the normal graphic lag (old computer) i had a normal ping of 90 while this computer still had 200+

Could it be possible to try this new computer with XP

Just to see if Windows 7 has something to do with it... and not a hardware side of things.

Wireless does suck ass, but since one PC works on it and the other has this lag, then it shouldn't be the reason...

Ya that's what i was thinking im planning on going back to XP to try sometime in the near future as i don't really have anywhere to back up my files at the moment also i need to get xp files. But before i do that im open to try any other ideas

I think our issues might be somewhat related. I bought a new laptop with Windows 7 and I can barely even stand to play SA:MP. The connection is horrible. When I get a spike of lag, I can't use any commands. Then after the spike is over I can use chat commands and simple things, but any command that involves me TPing anywhere doesn't work. I'm an Admin on the server and I can't tp to players, tp them to me, enter interiors or exit interiors. I don't even bother to try shooting at players because it's impossible to have a gunfight since sometimes I can't even see the player cause it's like i'm half disconnected.

Before I got this laptop, I had one with windows Vista and the same wireless connection worked fine. I've tried alot of things but can't figure this out. While I was playing SA:MP, I pinged the server through CMD prompt and my ping was constantly 120-180 which is normal for me on that server. Even when I got the huge lag spikes in SA:MP, I was still pinging the server at those rates...

Edit: I have a high speed connection that is shared by a couple people in my apartment. Connection tests show 11.3mb/s download rate and a 1.13mb/s upload rate. So i'm pretty sure it's not my ISP.

I wish I knew what thats all about. I'm going to try re-installing GTA:SA and SA:MP together using a few different steps and see if I can solve anything.

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