3D Text


i saw at the limits a limit for

3D text for Player 1024

and what means global?

I wanted to make 3D signs for cars and if every players has 2 cars that would be 1000

Means that that i can only have 1024 on my server? Or 1024 per player?!

"Global" as in everybody has effect of it. If you'd only create an object for one personal, it's called ''local'', as he is the only one having effect of it.

In your case: You can only have 1024 3D text labels for a specific player at the SAME time. Not the "same", if you would destroy a 3D text label a new one can be created again.

Than i think there is now problem with my carsigns... I dont think that at the same time 1024 3D text are shown

Lol, you can just create a loop and create a 'Player Textlabel' for all? Would it still effect as local one?

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