AttachObject problems..

If I've attached an object to a player, how do I DeAttach it?

Cause I've made a nice script but I can't DeAttach the object, and I don't want to delete it because I may want to re-attach it later(and if I destroy the object the pawn won't detect it).

Help plz?

It's quite simple, all you need to do is to recreate the object in it's same positions and rotations.

For example:

pawn Код:
new object;

object = CreateObject(modelid,x,y,z,rotx,roty,rotz,drawdistance);

AttachObjectToPlayer(object,playerid,stuff here);

//And when you want to de-attach, simply:

new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:rotX,Float:rotY,Float:rotZ;



object = CreateObject(modelid,x,y,z,rotX,rotY,rotZ,draw_distance);

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