Car Units

Hey there,

I'm fairly new to scripting. I know a bit but not a huge deal.

was wondering if its possible some hoe to have it so I can use a command to set a name for a car.

Eg: I get in Vehicle A: a Police Ranger and type /setplate <What I want it to be>

It Saves, Then when Someone gets in that car it says what I put. I know it would require something under


i think thats impossible i know there is roleplay server's with car plates but it isnt with a command
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Car Plates are deleted since 0.3 and what do u mean with /setplate lol

Like, It writes the carid to a .txt file or something idk use dini and then when you eneter the vehicle it displays the defined car number. Eg if I defined a police ranger as unit 581. When I get in it will say Unit: 581.

The /setplate was an example of a command that would be used to do this.


you can use 3d labels for car plate no in 0.3

Guys, this is absolutely possible, he just wants to show the name on enter, not change the number plate.
Create a big array like this:

new CarNames[MAX_VEHICLES][24];

Ok, this eats a lot of ram, ~200kb, but this should be no big problem.
Then add a command like this (untested):

pawn Код:
//Usage: /setplate <new_name>
if(strcmp("/setplate", cmdtext, true, 9) == 0)
    if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return 1;
    strmid(CarNames[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)], cmdtext, 10, strlen(cmdtext));
    new text[64];    
    format(text, 64, "You changed the vehicle's name to %s.", CarNames[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAA33AA, text);
    return 1;

//To show it on vehicle enter add this to your OnPlayerEnterVehicle, as you already mentioned
    new text[64];    
    format(text, 64, "You entered the vehicle: %s.", CarNames[vehicleid]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAA33AA, text);
//Change all strings to whatever you want
Saving that all would be harder, because most ini includes do not support 2000 entries in a file. You would need a car saver system that creates a file for each car and spawns them from that file, so that there are no problems with changing vehicle ids.

Fwrite supports 2000 entries or?, otherwise use mysql

Is it possible to save it so you dont have to do it every time the server restarts??

Bump. Been over 24 Hours

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