Home hosting isn't working

Ok guys I have fiwarded my ports twice now and home hosting still doesn't work, any possibly know why

do u have samp-server.exe open

Haha lol yea, btw it's me from cncs, clown

i know :P

ok try this

1. restart pc

2. portforward again

3. open samp-server.exe

4. close samp-server.exe

5. open again

6. enjoy

Lol tried that

Make sure your port is open.. http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/

is announce & query enabled in your server.cfg ?
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The ports are probably blocked by your ISP, there isn't really any way to solve it. You could try giving them a call and asking though

I think all ppl that try to host from home should either get the mmoney to pay a host or gtfo XD volt host isnt expensive and its rly good

Originally Posted by sherlock
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I think all ppl that try to host from home should either get the mmoney to pay a host or gtfo XD volt host isnt expensive and its rly good
Everyday there is a new thread opened of someone trying to host a server from home. The truth is that if you are hosting a server from home the ping will be through the roof & NO ONE will come to play, leading to a FAIL SERVER.. Sorry it's just a harsh fact.

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