I can't install SA-MP 0.3 please help

I'm new with using samp and have a few problems but what I really need help with is that I can't open the installation for samp version 0.3
I have downloaded version 0.2X which I could install prefectly well but when I click on my 0.3 download nothing happens (I have tried running it as admin)
I think the problem has something to do with the fact that the download for my 0.3 looks like the image in the attachment instead of the circle with nsis on it.
please help

Try re-installing GTA-San Andreas.

You have installed Windows Installer on the version 4.0 ? Its really important for a good instalation, what windows are you running ?

Sorry for my bad english i am argentine.

I never heard of this problem befor.

sometimes some downloaded files can be considered ''dangerous'' to use by the anti-viruses..maker sure that your anti-virus ain't blocking the samp 0.3 application

and make sure you download it off sa-mp.com website.

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