06.07.2010, 17:54
Последний раз редактировалось Dmac_91; 06.07.2010 в 18:11.
While the official SA-MP forums were down, i tried creating my own forums for SA-MP users to use, but no on really used it. I am now redirecting my old URL (www.samp-forums.com) to here.
Once again, samp-forums.com will now be directing to the official SA-MP forums if you's are interested. I doubt it really matters, but it's a second URL that can be used.
I don't really see this as breaking the don't advertise rule, as it's redirecting to these exact forums anyway. I also don't expect anyone to actually use this URL over the normal one, but once again it's there and it can be used if anyone chooses to do so.
Once again, samp-forums.com will now be directing to the official SA-MP forums if you's are interested. I doubt it really matters, but it's a second URL that can be used.
I don't really see this as breaking the don't advertise rule, as it's redirecting to these exact forums anyway. I also don't expect anyone to actually use this URL over the normal one, but once again it's there and it can be used if anyone chooses to do so.