Textdraw disappearing?

I can't post the entire script as its so huge, the best I can do is describe the problem and hope someone out there has an idea what it might be.

I have a textdraw menu for my bank, but the problem now is that when it opens the background box textdraw immediately disappears but the rest of the menu stays. This menu has been working for months with no problem, I have changed nothing with it, and I even tripple checked to make sure the problem is not with this textdraw, I even went through my script putting a print next to every TextDrawHideForPlayer I have for that specific textdraw and the print never prints to console after it disappears, so I'm sure its some kind of problem with another textdraw in the script. I have hundreds of textdraws created and tried my best to check every one for any problems but can find nothing.. And I'm getting no errors or warnings.

Now this textdraw just so happens to be the very first TextDrawCreate in OnGameModeInIt... And I've had a problem long ago similar to this where another text draw was defined properly at the top but never created and it was causing problems for other textdraws, but I can't find anything like this going on..

Urr, any ideas what could be causing this?

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