Title on each skin? Required login for skins?

I'm working on making a zombie roleplay server, and I have many different teams on this. I find it hard for people to know what skin would work with which team, and I noticed on some other servers that there are "titles?"(I don't know what they're called)that appear when you view each class, and I am wondering if anyone knows a filterscript for that, or if it's not a filterscript, then the script for it. I am also looking for a required password to pick a skin, so that only ADMINS can use a certain team during gameplay.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Well for putting a title on skins..

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
new string[128];if(classid >= 5 && classid <= 10) // Between 2 certain amounts, or you can make it one skin by making it 'if(classid == x) where x = classid
format(string, sizeof(string), "~r~Whatever you want here");

pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~[name of the team without the brackets]",5000,3);

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