GM Error

A frend of me wants that i host his FRPG game but when i starts the GM, The Server gonna down and in errorlog stands:
SA-MP Server: 0.3a R7

Exception At Address: 0x0048174B


EAX: 0x0012FDA0 EBX: 0x011419C0 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x00405910

ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x00BD3420 EBP: 0x0012FDB0 ESP: 0x0012FD88

EFLAGS: 0x00010286


+0000: 0x00BD3420 0x00BD3420 0x011419C0 0xFFFFFFFF

+0010: 0x0012FD88 0x0012F9AC 0x0012FE5C 0x004854EC

+0020: 0x0049F0B0 0xFFFFFFFF 0x011A34E0 0x0040591D

+0030: 0x00000000 0x00401096 0x00BD3420 0x01436EF0

+0040: 0x011BE6A0 0x00402BB3 0x00BD3420 0x00000070

+0050: 0x0012FDF0 0x01436EF0 0x004BD148 0x00BD3420

+0060: 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0027884C

+0070: 0x00278850 0x0027A964 0x0025B568 0x0027A94C

+0080: 0x0025B568 0x011419C0 0x011BE6A0 0x00000000

+0090: 0x01140020 0x0007CCE0 0x00461674 0x00BD3420

+00A0: 0x0012FE38 0x00000017 0x009B7970 0xFFFFFFFF

+00B0: 0x00000017 0x009B7970 0x00479E7F 0x004BD148

+00C0: 0x0049E601 0x009B5EE9 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000000

+00D0: 0x00BD3420 0x0012FEDC 0x00493388 0xFFFFFFFF

+00E0: 0x004792BF 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000A28

+00F0: 0x0012FFC0 0x7FFD7000 0x00012BA3 0x00010101

+0100: 0x0000001A 0x00001E61 0x00000070 0x00000B58

+0110: 0x009B7970 0x656D6167 0x65646F6D 0x00003531

+0120: 0x004A8014 0x004A8010 0x7FFD7000 0x00493600

+0130: 0x0012FEA8 0x0012FEA4 0x0012FFB0 0x004854EC

I think that i missing some FRPG files but i dont know it 100%

Anyone can help me please?

Yes you are missing files required for your gamemode, make sure that you have them all in your scriptfiles directory.

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