Server crashing on a specific position 'nd looking location


Could there be an object problem if i stand in an area and looking to ther ight makes my client crash, not the server, going a little downwards looking to the right makes it crash too, but out of the stunt area its fine, could this be object problem? and how to fix it if its possible?

Use an oject streamer, you probably use loads of objects

I use the streamer of Incognito

Dunno then...

Maybe you have too much objects in that location.

I said that use a streamer but I think you use about 1000 in one place

No i don't use 1000 in one place, it is only about 60, where i got a drift map on the sky half of the 300 overall objects is just invisible but doesn't crash like this 60objects.

The max object count SA:MP will view is 254 at once.
With an object streamer you can add more, but If there's more then 254 objects at one place It wont show all of them, will not cause the server to crash.

Check if a scriptfile is called when you are at that location, If a scriptfile is missing when
the script tries to access It, the server will crash.

I don't use 254 objects in that position, my "CLIENT" Crashes(NOT SERVER) , i Don't have any scriptfiles connected with objects

Originally Posted by mavtias
The max object count SA:MP will view is 254 at once.
With an object streamer you can add more, but If there's more then 254 objects at one place It wont show all of them, will not cause the server to crash.

Check if a scriptfile is called when you are at that location, If a scriptfile is missing when
the script tries to access It, the server will crash.
That's not true. Do you know how Incognito's streamer works? It uses CreatePlayerObject, which creates an object that only a player can see.

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