14.04.2010, 12:02
Hello. I am running SAMP 0.3R7 Server on Debian GNU/Linux.
I need to show stats on our website.
To get players and other, I use rcon, but it don't works:
<from server>
and from local computer:
(sorry for my english
I need to show stats on our website.
To get players and other, I use rcon, but it don't works:
<from server>
[neko@saransk-gta ~]$ wine rcon.exe localhost 7777 <password> SA:MP Command Line Remote Console Client ---------------------------------------- © Copyright 2005-2006 SA:MP Team, v1.0 Remote Console: RCON admin connected to server. players cmdlist /rcon players /players ^C [neko@saransk-gta ~]$
[neko@gdetotut GTA San Andreas]$ wine rcon.exe 82.146.<...> 7777 <password> SA:MP Command Line Remote Console Client ---------------------------------------- © Copyright 2005-2006 SA:MP Team, v1.0 Remote Console: RCON admin connected to server. players /players /rcon players ^C[neko@gdetotut GTA San Andreas]$