Problem with Gang Zone [HELP!]

I have strange problem and i cant solve it.

I have some gang zone in LS. Its rly big.(half LS mayby?)

And i have:
on top:
new MaskingArea;

In OnGameModeInit:
MaskingArea = GangZoneCreate(-944.6047, 1758.1934, 814.1370, -1829.9487);

And in OnPlayerSpawn:
GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, MaskingArea, COLOR_GREEN);

I cant see zone on radar but zone is on the map(i check this in game menu>map).
Can someon say WTF? Mayby zone is to big? I dont know. Please Help.

PS: Yes, yes.. i know... my english is so band bla bla bla. -.-

This is random, but have you tryed on player spawn?

I want the zone could be seen on the radar.
Because it is on the map, but the radar can not see it.

PS: Gang zone showing IS ON OnPlayerSpawn.

i have other problems with my zones,i sometimes have that you can see every zone in the same color.

or that you see that the whole world is 1 zone.

and more...

But how to show my zone? Becouse its arent on radar ;/ Only on menu map.

well that hase to be a bugg cuz its not posible to show it on map and not on radar

Hm.. Mayby.
I will check it using smaller zone.

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