Help me with my server please?

Alright, so i am starting to make a server again off hamachi. I do not want to pay again so im going to try this out. So I was browing through the gamemodes and found these:
Game-mode 1:
Game-mode 2:
Which one do you guys think is the best? please say either gm1 or gm2 then i will count the votes and pick one. If you think there is another great game-mode please post em and i will add it to the list so we can vote for it.
Thanks guys!! Oh and who ever helps me out with my server, as in script making admin houses etc... i will be able to pay them with paypal or what ever.
Oh and for the helping part I will leave that to teamviewer ;]
I want a helper that has joined in 2009 or earlier.
And while you are voting for a game mode please tell me if this: will work with those gamemodes. For example: Hey, I vote for gm1, and yes the admin system will work with gm1.

Neither. If you choose one of these, you're going to fail. No doubt.

Make your own.

As ownage has said yes it will fail without any doubt
It is a huge waste of your and the scripters time
And i seriously doubt that any scripter would help you..
Either make your own or use something that isnt godfather-based
For example if you would pay me i could improve my old gangsta-rp script
Lolz i lost it on my system reinstall it was v1.4 the servers tho found a v1.2 in my mailbox
Hihihihihiih anyway.. None it will miserably fail..

what and how and why do you mean fail?

There are many servers using a same styled gamemode
Some of them use a GF edit some of them make their own but it is still alike god father and personally that sucks
Why not have a more likely unique server and acctualy get players
Players get bored when they see a server on which its a GF edit,or a from scratch scripted gamemode but still very alike GF's one
The big servers have taken the role of gf alike and you see that for example LS-RP has 300-400 players on a day
Then others bla bla...
Dont think that your server would have players if your gamemode is the GF edit it self or a from scratch but GF alike
Because those servers are already full of players
And players that stay are bored of that style of roleplay
You will maybe get 3-4 players on a day even less considering its a hamachi one

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