19.03.2010, 14:03
Waddap guys, i have something wrong with the gamemode, i am compiling it to finish the last piece and open the server, but it gives me a freak error that i can't figure it out for 3 days, but i failed, i feel it's something pathetic.. i think i need someone's help..
The Error:
The Line with all it's components:
Please answer A.S.A.P, players started to get mad.. they're leaving.. thanks!
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The Error:
C:\Users\*\Desktop\Server\gamemodes\*.pwn(1407) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
pawn Код:
new GunPrice[30][1] = {
{500}, //parachute
{500}, //sdpistol
{3000}, //deagle
{2500}, //mp5
{3000}, //shotgun
{5000}, //m4
{1000}, //rifle
{25}, //pistolammo
{40}, //shotgunammo
{25}, //smgammo
{40}, //assaultammo
{50} //rifle
}; // Line 1407
Topic Definitions:
* Hidden Info