27.03.2010, 10:10
Today I Built a new DM Arena and i wanted to script a DM System...
This is my "Script"
But i do not want the random ports xD(I know only this way thats why i created this with random ports first)...
I want that:
First Player joins in DM Arena - First Teleport
2nd Player joins in DM Arena - Second Teleport
and so on...
When all 25 teleports are "used" it starts from the beginning...
How can i do this?
(I want that because i want a row of near teleports)...
I want that only one command(/back) works(When you are in DM)
I Hope someone can help me...
Today I Built a new DM Arena and i wanted to script a DM System...
This is my "Script"
new Float:xdm; new Float:ydm; new Float:zdm; new InDm[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0; new Float:DMSpawn[25][3] = { {2592.313720, 2792.628417, 10.820312}, {2502.072753, 2705.936523, 10.984375}, {2529.640136, 2723.890380, 10.984375}, {2591.766601, 2724.370849, 10.984375}, {2536.939208, 2796.304931, 10.984375}, {2503.469238, 2784.435302, 10.820312}, {2551.183349, 2846.969238, 10.820312}, {2585.484130, 2825.816162, 19.992187}, {2555.999267, 2831.909423, 19.992187}, {2613.374267, 2848.163330, 19.992187}, {2589.541748, 2814.564941, 10.820312}, {2626.500976, 2815.445800, 10.820312}, {2596.732666, 2802.501953, 10.820312}, {2667.479980, 2792.143310, 10.820312}, {2647.286621, 2732.604248, 10.820312}, {2651.286376, 2744.324951, 19.322219}, {2639.976562, 2703.278564, 25.822219}, {2610.058349, 2765.133056, 23.822219}, {2564.385009, 2719.243652, 22.950708}, {2633.963623, 2829.263427, 122.921875}, {2634.819091, 2830.156005, 94.015625}, {2674.617919, 2810.221191, 36.322219}, {2647.033691, 2804.079345, 32.322219}, {2682.630126, 2784.208740, 61.789062}, {2717.091796, 2770.816894, 74.828125} };
if (strcmp("/dm1", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { GetPlayerPos(playerid,xdm,ydm,zdm); InDm[playerid] = 1; new iRandom = random(sizeof(DMSpawn)); SetPlayerPos(playerid, DMSpawn[iRandom][0], DMSpawn[iRandom][1],DMSpawn[iRandom][2]); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,34,500); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,24,500); INDM1++; return 1; }
But i do not want the random ports xD(I know only this way thats why i created this with random ports first)...
I want that:
First Player joins in DM Arena - First Teleport
2nd Player joins in DM Arena - Second Teleport
and so on...
When all 25 teleports are "used" it starts from the beginning...
How can i do this?
(I want that because i want a row of near teleports)...
I want that only one command(/back) works(When you are in DM)
I Hope someone can help me...