24.02.2010, 18:40
I'm trying to make a carshop/dealer, i want so that if you do /prices you get a list of the availble cars from that carshop in the chatbox.
When you do /buy you got a menu with the kind vehicle like, bikes, normal cars, sport cars. But how to make that command so that it only can be used at a zone ( this is what i have for the coordinates etc:
When you do /buy you got a menu with the kind vehicle like, bikes, normal cars, sport cars. But how to make that command so that it only can be used at a zone ( this is what i have for the coordinates etc:
// Above OnGameModeInit: new carshop; public OnGameModeInit() { carshop = GangZoneCreate(-2000,689, 262,6848, -1915,71, 329,7492); return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, carshop, 0x00000096); return 1; }