[Map] [MAP] New World City

Hey guys. I have a own server called New World RPG. I made an own city. It is not done It think I am on 50%. I wanna give you a BETA test of it. SO please test and rate
The way to it is located at LS pier.
This is my first map

What is coming:

Well, I will add buyable houses.
It is going to be bigger
It is going to be nicer
Enter able Restaurant will come to.
Maybe there will come a NWPD. Stands for New World Police Deparment.
Cars will be added.

Any other ideaS? Please post them.

Please rate too.
And don't forget to take a look on my server :P


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	CreateObject(12814, 953.84564208984, -3720.9614257813, 1.5833369493484, 0, 0, 181.70288085938);

PS: If someone want moving gates with a cmd. Just tell me. I'll try to make them if I have time. Just tell me the object ID and tell me where you want it and if you wanna let it move up,down,right,left

Its Alright im making a city im currently on 0.2v its quite big ,well bigger than urs u can improve it and u got the same idea im making a really complex rp script with custom interriors and more.

I'm interested. Can you show me some pics of urs? Thanks btw

This looks interesting.
I'm gonna give it a try

Originally Posted by Roperr
This looks interesting.
I'm gonna give it a try
GReat But remember. It is not done yet :P I also have to bind all the roads to eachother

Very nice first map, My first map was only boxes on grove street.


Looks pretty cool, bro. Keep up the good work.

Thanks guys

dude , that's an amazing map .....
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