A small qustion

So, i want to try to build a small RP script but not from 0 because i am not sure in "my powers".
So my qustion is what Gamemode should i start it from, i would prefer not a blank GM but not a full one as well, i thought about Fear's GF what do you say?

Originally Posted by Mark k
So, i want to try to build a small RP script but not from 0 because i am not sure in "my powers".
So my qustion is what Gamemode should i start it from, i would prefer not a blank GM but not a full one as well, i thought about Fear's GF what do you say?
Godfather is overused and it's not very good for beginners...

No everyone uses GF.I suggest you to try the masterpiece of Norn,http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=91010.0"]Carlito's RP[/url]

For the first comment, i'm not really a begginer i'm scripting for about a year...and i made some systems already.
For the second comment, well i didn't like that GM that much...

You can always start with Centralrp http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=46391.0 It have everything you need to start making your own RP script

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