16.02.2010, 18:40
Hi !
I have a problem with this command.
When I enter it it pops up.
Top 5 players:
Server: Unknow Command.
Please help.
I have a problem with this command.
if (strcmp(cmd, "/top", true)==0) { new closest,tempclosest,Top5[5],expygraczy[500]; for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++){ Top5[i] = -1; } for(new i = 0; i < 500; i++){ expygraczy[i] = -1; } for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++){ if(IsPlayerConnected(i))expygraczy[i] = GetPlayerExp(i); } closest = -1; tempclosest = -1; for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++){ if(expygraczy[i] != (-1)){ tempclosest = expygraczy[i]; if(tempclosest < closest){ closest = i; Top5[0] = i; } } } closest = -1; tempclosest = -1; for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++){ if(expygraczy[i] != (-1) && i != Top5[0]){ tempclosest = expygraczy[i]; if(tempclosest < closest){ closest = i; Top5[1] = i; } } } closest = -1; tempclosest = -1; for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++){ if(expygraczy[i] != (-1) && i != Top5[0] && i != Top5[1]){ tempclosest = expygraczy[i]; if(tempclosest < closest){ closest = i; Top5[2] = i; } } } closest = -1; tempclosest = -1; for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++){ if(expygraczy[i] != (-1) && i != Top5[0] && i != Top5[1] && i != Top5[2]){ tempclosest = expygraczy[i]; if(tempclosest < closest){ closest = i; Top5[3] = i; } } } closest = -1; tempclosest = -1; for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++){ if(expygraczy[i] != (-1) && i != Top5[0] && i != Top5[1] && i != Top5[2] && i != Top5[3]){ tempclosest = expygraczy[i]; if(tempclosest < closest){ closest = i; Top5[4] = i; } } } SendClientMessage2(playerid, CNORMAL, "*** Top 5 Graczy:"); new str[256]; format(str, 256, "* 1. %s - Poziom %d" ,PlayerName(Top5[0]), GetPlayerLevel(Top5[0])); SendClientMessage2(playerid, CINFO, str); if(Top5[1] == -1){ format(str, 256, "* 2. %s - Poziom %d" ,PlayerName(Top5[1]), GetPlayerLevel(Top5[1])); SendClientMessage2(playerid, CINFO, str); } if(Top5[2] == -1){ format(str, 256, "* 3. %s - Poziom %d" ,PlayerName(Top5[2]), GetPlayerLevel(Top5[2])); SendClientMessage2(playerid, CINFO, str); } if(Top5[3] == -1){ format(str, 256, "* 4. %s - Poziom %d" ,PlayerName(Top5[3]), GetPlayerLevel(Top5[3])); SendClientMessage2(playerid, CINFO, str); } if(Top5[4] == -1){ format(str, 256, "* 5. %s - Poziom %d" ,PlayerName(Top5[4]), GetPlayerLevel(Top5[4])); SendClientMessage2(playerid, CINFO, str); }
Top 5 players:
Server: Unknow Command.
Please help.