I can not find my serve on the Internet list

I search the SA-MP Wiki to find answers. But can not find the answer or any helpful

How to fix it? Anyone can help me?

This is my serve setting. I don't know what happened.
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 123456
maxplayers 50
port 7777
hostname SA-MP 0.3 Server
gamemode0 larp
filterscripts gl_actions gl_realtime
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com
maxnpc 10
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

did you port forward?

Maybe i miss the Firewall setting. now i setup the Firewall, it not block The sa-mp now.

so i can find my serve on the Internet list now. but, it need a lot of time. Can be faster?

ps:What is the Hosted list? it is like Official Servers?

Yes they are like official

No. In order to get your server on the hosted list you have to pay Ђ12.50 per month, unless your server is already hosted at serverFFS, then the monthly fee is Ђ10.

Originally Posted by serverffs.com
The SA-MP hosted list is one of the best ways to advertise your server, and you can order it only at serverFFS! Your server will be put on a seperate list, giving it added exposure to players, rather than the thousands of servers at the internet list.

Originally Posted by Ettans
No. In order to get your server on the hosted list you have to pay Ђ12.50 per month, unless your server is already hosted at serverFFS, then the monthly fee is Ђ10.

Originally Posted by serverffs.com
The SA-MP hosted list is one of the best ways to advertise your server, and you can order it only at serverFFS! Your server will be put on a seperate list, giving it added exposure to players, rather than the thousands of servers at the internet list.
Well, but its like official but you have to pay to get your server listened there :P

Hosted list was more closed and it didn't have 80+ servers in it, whereas hosted list has 80+ servers on it and anyone can get their server on it.

Originally Posted by Ettans
Hosted list was more closed and it didn't have 80+ servers in it, whereas hosted list has 80+ servers on it and anyone can get their server on it.
Can you read before post i sayed its "LIKE", i didnt say "IT IS"

but i made the fire wall and my server is not in internet
i cant portforward i havent wireless

Originally Posted by Ironboy[600
but i made the fire wall and my server is not in internet
i cant portforward i havent wireless
Check your serve setting (server.cfg). The announce and query need be 1

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