30.01.2010, 08:47
[Ro] Sall!!! De Curand am facut un server de Roleplay , am rezolvat toate bugurile mai putin cel cu HQ-urile ( nu prea i se poate spune Bug dar....) deci vreau si eu sa styu de exemplu cum pot sa pun HQ-u la LaCosaNostra in alt loc ( sa skimb interiorul ) , cand dau /enter sa intru in HQ la LCN ma da intro sala de Antrenamente undecided Sad(!Vreau sa styu cum pot sa fac sa ma dea in alta parte de exemplu intro casa de Gangsteri sau una marfa sau sa revina la ''Default'' iar cand scriu /exit nici nu iese nici nu face nimik ! AJUTOR !!! Sad
[EnG] Hi!!! I recently did a Roleplay server, we do all that with less bugs HQ (not much I can say Bug but ....) so I want to know how to make HQ-u LaCosaNostra elsewhere (to Change inside), you give / enter to get into the LCN me intro HQ training room undecided ((! I know how do I give elsewhere such house intro Gangsters or Cool Place (house) or to return to a''Default''and when I write / exit does not leave any nimik! HELP!
Please Help me !!! Sad
[EnG] Hi!!! I recently did a Roleplay server, we do all that with less bugs HQ (not much I can say Bug but ....) so I want to know how to make HQ-u LaCosaNostra elsewhere (to Change inside), you give / enter to get into the LCN me intro HQ training room undecided ((! I know how do I give elsewhere such house intro Gangsters or Cool Place (house) or to return to a''Default''and when I write / exit does not leave any nimik! HELP!
Please Help me !!! Sad