vehicle auto-repair timer


With the vehicle auto-repair code below, is it ok to have the timer starting OnGameModeInit and running all the time? I know the timer is stopping at the if statements, i just wonder if there is a better way.

public OnGameModeInit()
  SetTimer("autorepair", 2000, 1);
  return 1;

// Function AUTOREPAIR (Includes Bodywork)

forward autorepair();
public autorepair()
  for(new playerid=0; playerid<MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
	SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Vehicle Repair");
    if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == 2)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Vehicle Repair: Driver In Vehicle");
		new Float:health, cid;
		cid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
		GetVehicleHealth(cid, health);
		if (health < 990)
			SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Vehicle Repair: Vehicle Repaired");
	return 1;
// End of AUTOREPAIR (Includes Bodywork)

Start the timer when a player enters a vehicle and use KillTimer to stop it when they exit a vehicle.

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
Start the timer when a player enters a vehicle and use KillTimer to stop it when they exit a vehicle.
SetPlayerVoice(playerid,Elvis) Thank you very much

Not only is this running a command every 2 seconds of your MAX_PLAYERS variable, which is very uneconomical for your server; but every player in a car is going to be spammed with "Vehicle Repair: Vehicle Repaired" every 2 seconds.

Originally Posted by Kinetic
Not only is this running a command every 2 seconds of your MAX_PLAYERS variable, which is very uneconomical for your server; but every player in a car is going to be spammed with "Vehicle Repair: Vehicle Repaired" every 2 seconds.
Why would vehicle repair need MAX_PLAYERS? Also i put the comments in so i can see when the code does something cos im a lil clucker.

Ok it works, thanks heaps V1ceC1ty. Had to use OnPlayerStateChange instead of OnPlayerEnterVehicle because i am spawning into my cars through a dialog menu.

// Function AUTOREPAIR (Includes Bodywork)

forward autorepair();
public autorepair()
  for(new playerid=0; playerid<MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
 		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Vehicle Repair: Driver In Vehicle");
		new Float:health, cid;
		cid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
		GetVehicleHealth(cid, health);
		if (health < 990)
			SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Vehicle Repair: Vehicle Repaired");
	return 1;

new artimer;
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate,oldstate)
	if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == 2)
  	artimer=SetTimer("autorepair", 2000, true);
  return 1;

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
  return 1;

// End of AUTOREPAIR (Includes Bodywork)

OK i found a bug already with the code above, when i teleport out of car it doesnt register OnPlayerExitVehicle command so i had to use all player states. Istill would like opinions on the new code please.

// Function AUTOREPAIR (Includes Bodywork)

forward autorepair();
public autorepair()
  for(new playerid=0; playerid<MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
 		new Float:health, cid;
		cid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
		GetVehicleHealth(cid, health);
		if (health < 990)
			SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Vehicle Repair: Vehicle Repaired");
	return 1;

new artimer;
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate,oldstate)
	if(newstate == 2)
  	artimer=SetTimer("autorepair", 2000, true);
  if(oldstate == 2)

  new string[48];
  format(string, sizeof(string), "You changed from state %d to state %d!",oldstate,newstate);
  return 1;

// End of AUTOREPAIR (Includes Bodywork)

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