[GameMode] [GM]San Andreas WAR

San Andreas WAR
This is a TDM with 3 teams: LS,LV and SF
every team spawns in a small bunker outside the city's.

at youre spawn you can choose from differend profession:
1.Assault: a regulair soldier,earns points if he kills enemy,s
2.Covert Ops: soldier armed with a sniper and Satchel Charge.
3.driver : armed with a SMG and hase the ablility to rapair vehicles.
4.Anti-tank: armed with an RPG and a AK47,earns points when he distroys enemy vehicles.

every1 starts with a basic pack of weapons,no matter what proffesiion you are you satrt with:
(covert ops doesnt have Deagle or grenates he hase:Satchel Charge and silend gun)

this Gamemode hase a rank system,there are 5 ranks:
-fist class soldier
you can rank up if you do youre profession well.

First Post. How good is this?

try it
its realy great


nice script for the first time!

soon there will be a next version
-a dialog instead of a menu
-more professions
- a new team
-and morebut thats a secret

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