Getting playerid in onvehicledeath

Hi, i have this carowner ship thing, and i want it to send a message to the owner of the car everytime his car gets destroyed, could anybody tell me how to message him?
Right now it messages the killer of the car.
pawn Код:
new carownerrr;
  carownerrr = PlayerInfo[vehicleid][pCarKey]; // I guess here is the problem, as i added "vehicleid" it should really say "playerid"
  SendClientMessage (DynamicCars[carownerrr][cOwner], COLOR_RED, "Your car got destroyed.");

pawn Код:
new carownerrr[MAX_PLAYERS];
  carownerrr[getplayerid] = PlayerInfo[vehicleid][pCarKey]; // I guess here is the problem, as i added "vehicleid" it should really say "playerid"
  SendClientMessage (DynamicCars[carownerrr][getplayerid][cOwner], COLOR_RED, "Your car got destroyed.");
im not sure thoґ if it helps, but you can give it a try

Damn, it didn't help But thank you Tony

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