26.09.2008, 21:24
Hi Here is other menu script by Me
Is a Gang Menu with gang selection wath place the gangs in Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas and change the player colour to the gang colour.
Resets the player weapons and Set the player weapons definded form the gang and say to the other players this player has joined to this gang
Sorry the join messeges are in spanish at this time, but in the next days y convert to english and y put the link.
If the player Type /b the has the menu is very simple to unthersteand and to join to a gang
I hope this is usefull for evrybady
Gangs Groups
>>Grove Street
>>Mafia and (chainesse mafia in sf)
0 Warnigns 0 Errors
Sorry for my bad english Im Lerning

Is a Gang Menu with gang selection wath place the gangs in Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas and change the player colour to the gang colour.
Resets the player weapons and Set the player weapons definded form the gang and say to the other players this player has joined to this gang
Sorry the join messeges are in spanish at this time, but in the next days y convert to english and y put the link.
If the player Type /b the has the menu is very simple to unthersteand and to join to a gang
I hope this is usefull for evrybady
Gangs Groups
>>Grove Street
>>Mafia and (chainesse mafia in sf)
0 Warnigns 0 Errors
Sorry for my bad english Im Lerning