[SOLVED]Vehicle North Rotation 0.3 bug.

Hello. In 0.2x at grove street all the cars were nicely lined up around the street and now all of them are in the wrong spot and facing north. At Jefferson motel all the cars were in the right parking spot now they some are stacked on top of each other in the wrong spots also facing north. Some of the Jefferson motel cars were on the other side of the building. There is also a bunch of hummers facing north instead of the proper spot. Like I said in 0.2x it was perfect and not changing the cars at all and upgrading to 0.3 its all messed up like in the pictures. I even removed the bad rotation cars and did /save on their re-done positions in debug and they all were in the right spot. After adding them to the server some are stacked and in the wrong spot. Also this only seems to be happening in the Grove and Jefferson Motel area and no where else.

All Vehicles should be in the parking spot:

These Cars should be in the Jefferson motel parking spot:

These cars should be lined up around the curb:

And please note that this is in my test server right after a restart. Also as you can see all the bad rotation/stacked cars are facing north and all the vehicles that are added does not have a north position. Example: AddStaticVehicle(535,2469.0127,-1669.9629,13.1566,12.4860,86,86);

I have a same problem to.. I client bug on 0.3 client, I think..

I had try to reduce all of stream rate but It not solve any more..

The problem is..
The vehicle spawn first the road, object and when spawn it will fall down the map.. and client try to respawn again
but it isn't right place.
I try to increast the Z Position but It isn't help too.

Thank for your report..

It happens if you teleport to the interiors from outside the stream zone and then the vehicles stream in when you are in the interior above. It will work properly if you enter grove street house or jefferson motel using the door because the vehicles will already be streamed. So to avoid this from happening simply don't teleport into the interiors and just enter them normally.

This might help you, it's not ideal, but it'll do...


Yep it works. Check the last post of it.

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