2 Dialogs ?

Hey Guys I have an ask.

I have 2 Dialogs, 1 for the Bikeshop, and 1 for the Carshop,

and 2 Pickups , 1 for the Biekshop, and 1 for the Casrshop,

but when i enter the first Pickup, they open the Carshop dialog.
When i enter the 2 Pickup, they open the Carshop Dialog ?

But why they dont open the Bikeshop dialog ?

Here the code..

BikePickup = CreatePickup(1274, 1, 2131.628662 , -1148.841187 , 24.830555);
	BikeMenu = CreateMenu("Bikeshop", 2, 200.0, 100.0, 150.0, 150.0);
		AddMenuItem(OttoMenu, 0, "NRG-500");

		AddMenuItem(OttoMenu, 1, "5.000 $");
OttoPickup = CreatePickup(1274, 1, 563.659180, -1290.866577, 17.748238);
	OttoMenu = CreateMenu("Autohaus", 2, 200.0, 100.0, 150.0, 150.0);
		AddMenuItem(OttoMenu, 0, "Bullet");

		AddMenuItem(OttoMenu, 1, "30.000 $");
case 0: //Bullet
		if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
			if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 30000)
			CreateVehicle(541, 546.304199, -1281.4026, 17.748238 ,90.0,6,0,60000);
  		GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -30000);
    	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Du hast ein Auto gekauft! Hole es am Punkt ab!");
  		SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,546.304199, -1281.4026, 17.748238,5);
    	Checkpoint[playerid] = 1;
case 1: //NRG
		if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
			if (GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= 5000)
			CreateVehicle(522, 546.304199, -1281.4026, 17.748238 ,90.0,6,0,60000);
  		GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -5000);
  		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Du hast ein Auto gekauft! Hole es am Punkt ab!");
  		SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,546.304199, -1281.4026, 17.748238,5);
    	Checkpoint[playerid] = 1;
  		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Du hast nicht genьgend Geld!");

I doesn't exactly know where the fault is but, you can use Dialogs. A Player will able to click items.

https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Dialog_Styles << Styles for Dialog (Use the second)
https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/ShowPlayerDialog << Create a dialog
https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/OnDialogResponse << What must happend if the player is in the dialog..

ah, you copied the menu and forgot to replace ALL "OttoMenu" with "BikeMenu", so in the BikeMenu the entries are still added to the "OttoMenu"...
	BikePickup = CreatePickup(1274, 1, 2131.628662 , -1148.841187 , 24.830555);
	BikeMenu = CreateMenu("Bikeshop", 2, 200.0, 100.0, 150.0, 150.0);
		AddMenuItem(OttoMenu, 0, "NRG-500");
		AddMenuItem(OttoMenu, 1, "5.000 $");
after replacing 2 more, you get this:
	BikePickup = CreatePickup(1274, 1, 2131.628662 , -1148.841187 , 24.830555);
	BikeMenu = CreateMenu("Bikeshop", 2, 200.0, 100.0, 150.0, 150.0);
		AddMenuItem(BikeMenu , 0, "NRG-500");
		AddMenuItem(BikeMenu , 1, "5.000 $");

What do you have at OnPlayerPickUpPickup

At OnPlayerPickup should be something like ShowMenuForPlayer

Originally Posted by Oxside
At OnPlayerPickup should be something like ShowMenuForPlayer
Correction, ShowDialogForPlayer();

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