how to make gang areas

As you can see I am new to scripting and I am trying to make a gang wars script
but I don`t know how to make gang areas like green areas around grove street purple areas around glen park etc.
any help would be appreciated


It helps but where do I pasted it bc If I paste my coordinates in the InGameModeInIt it doesn't work it says there is an error and when I type it into a new section it has the same error and there error says something like the term "gangzone" is not used do I paste it in OnPlayerSpawn?
Any replies will be appreciated

that "term gangzone is not used" is not error - just warning - that means you havent used the "gangzone" in your script... it compiled but you see that warning

Example of how I did it...

new ballagz;
Under public OnGameModeInit()
  	ballagz = GangZoneCreate(1845.104, -1156.11, 1973.561, -1074.365);
Under public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
  	GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, ballagz, 0xFF00FF96);
Im sure there are easier ways, but it works for me.

ok now i understand but where do i put the new ballagz i know i can use any gang name that i want but just for an example where would i put it

ok i almost got it besides one thing when i try to put my GangZoneShowForPlayer there is 2 warnings which u sai not to worry about but the one error is on the line where i put GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, grove, color,); the color code i put was for the color green then the error says "undefined symbol" "grove" what did i do wrong

ok i got it to work for the pasue menu map but not for the mini map how do i get it for the minimap

Hmmm.. the way I posted shows on both for me.

ok i found out how to do it i downloaded a filterscript by seif

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