Putting Arrows in 0.3

How can i put an arrow on object or player?

if you use gamemod GrandLarcenary you need to know that there's DisableInteriorEnterExits(); in event OnGameModeInit()

so, if You want to make them appear just remove this function, save and compile this gamemode and restart it.

P.S.: in 0.2 there was a bug that after removing arrows client needs to restart game to make them appear for player

he don't mean the interior arrows. You can make it with objects... first create it, then attach it.

omg, sorry

this is in the script-example (one object for one player)

creates an arrow which everyone would able to see after attaching it to you above your head.

new arrow;

public OnGameModeInit()


	arrow = CreateObject(1318,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0);


public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/arrow", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		return 1;
	return 0;

I Didnt meant to these arrows(Interior or 1318=White Arrow)I To arrows that look like interior arrows but those you see in missions...like enemy has red arrow,something that you need to take or do with it something has green arrow or a arrow which appears above a car or a person and it has a blue color.so i just want to know the script

yep, you do it with attackobject, but you need to know the objectid, but i don't know it.

This WAS solution, but now with 0.3shit it's impossibile.

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