Help me please ?

Hello. I have a problem, I would like to make such a system in which the user writes an cmd(/box),and the object will move to the user. The best would be if ther would be an anim whit keeps hands in front of the user and then object moves whit user. Is anyone able to help me through this? I would be very grateful. (sorry about bad english)

Couple things your gonna need.

a) Using the object id you have to use MoveObject (i think thats right) to move it to the playerid that did the command (Use GetPlayerPos). In order to make it move with use, AttachObjectToPlayer(once again not sure) will 'lock' it to them.

Thanks man.

Are you trying to make something like when you pickup a television when in a robbery in single player?
Is that what you were refering to?
#5 that possible ?

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