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Joined: Feb 2007
Hi. I have a problem. Some cars have 'Airbag' when the player hits something, the player does not lose life if you have this equipment. And now I think of doing shielding shots for cars. I have not found a way to differentiate because the weapons fire has different value depending of the distance. I need find a way to life the player loses if the car being crashs even shielded.
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Joined: Sep 2009
not possible to make, YET, cause it all uses colision, and we dont have callback OnVehicleDamage(vehicleid,colision_type)
Posts: 370
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Joined: Jun 2009
the bottom line is this
You can't really make anything bullet proof, the reason being is because the sync between the player, the vehicle, the other player, and the server differentiate between the distance to the player, the ping, and the server's connection.
If this was able to be made, there would be alot of lag within your gamemode / filterscript or maybe even your server.
But then again, they way dice7 said it, there would be a problem, theres no way to detect if someone is on the car and pressing the fire key to damage it, other than seeing if the person shot it.
- Just a few thoughts.