[FilterScript] [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool)

Desert's Multi-Tool FS (DMT)


This filterscript follows with currently 3 "Tools" which is: Car Spawner. Skin Changer and Teleport menu!

The car spawner: The car spawner allow you to spawn cars at your possition and place you in it
That will get rid of the very annoying fact that if you lose a car out in the middle of nowhere. You got to walk.

Skin Changer: The old style way. F4 then kill to change skin. But with this all you have to do is /skin [ID] and your done!

Teleport Menu: /teleport and then you got a small menu providing you with 15 diffrent teleport possitions all over San Andreas!
When you open the menu you can choose between LS SF or LV possitions. And 5 points in these!
Each city have a TP to the local Hospital. Airport. police department and 2 points of interest.
Etc. SF's point of interest is Mount Chilliad and Doherty.

/dhelp Command: This shows command shows which version of DMT your running. Commands. And help where to send bugs/suggestions.


Pictures can be found here: /imageshack/gal.php?g=samp134.png


.rar with .PWN and .AMX

http://pastebin.com/f4525dba0 Pastebin


Spotted bugs or got a great idea? Feel free to post here or PM me!

(Small warning. If you use a ID which dont exist when using /car or /skin your game will crash!)


Scripting: Desert
Idea: Boredom (Was bored and just started make this)

Please enjoy



Woops realised after i forgot a few things and when i click edit i get error so you will have to let my double post be excused

Link for download http://solidfiles.com/d/WHpQ

Installation: Download .rar file. Extract it into your filterscript. Open your server.cfg and under filterscripts type DMT . Restart the server and its on

Nice one!


This is DMT Version 1.0a which is a version only RCON admins can use

Installation of Admin Version: Download the original v1.0

Open the .PWN file and replace everything in it with this http://pastebin.com/f4fbf884f

If you get errors download this http://solidfiles.com/d/RXhh You will get a .rar file. Extract it and it will make a file named include
Inside of that you will find alot of .txt files. Place them in the directory

Compile again and it should work fully

Double Post sorry stupid edit button wont work

Credits to Pawnstor for v1.1

http://solidfiles.com/d/YZj1 .PWN and .AMX

http://pastebin.com/f6f96b5d0 pastebin

Whats new in v1.1:

Crash on non existing ID bug has been fixed (Credits to Pawnstor)

Originally Posted by Desert
Double Post sorry stupid edit button wont work

Credits to Pawnstor for v1.1

http://solidfiles.com/d/YZj1 .PWN and .AMX

http://pastebin.com/f6f96b5d0 pastebin

Whats new in v1.1:

Crash on non existing ID bug has been fixed (Credits to Pawnstor)
There's no edit button.
Next time use Modify

Btw i've tested v1.1 and it works well..

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