F4 help

Hi can someone help me i have a bug when i press f4 to change my skin and i select a leader skin it gives me the leaders skin.

sorry for my bag english pls help me.

When you pressed F4, It returns you to the Class section (after death) which you can choose your skin and press shift to spawn just like normal.
What do you mean with a leader skin?

Sorry for my very good English. I hope you understand.

Regards, speedruntrainer

i use a gf mod , and the leader is the person who cand /invite player in his factions and others player cant use the skin.

Like i am lider cops i have the skin 265 and others who are not leader to dont have it. And when i press f4 and choose the leader skin it gives me the skin.

Oh, I didn't know you use Godfather So I can't help you ten.

... Topics like these make me facepalm.

I'm not talking about the guy who wrote the topic, I'm talking about speedruntrainers replies.

Originally Posted by speedruntrainer
When you pressed press F4, It it returns you to the class section (after death) which you can choose your skin and press shift to spawn just like normal., where you can choose a skin and spawn with that skin. What do you mean with a leader skin?
Sorry for my very good crappy English. I think my English isn't bad, but it actually sucks.

Regards, speedruntrainer
Originally Posted by speedruntrainer
Oh, I didn't know you use you were using Godfather So, I can't help you ten then.
Seriously speedruntrainer, you should stop acting like a smart ass thinking you're all that. It looks like you're laughing at him. He's doing his best and asking for help.

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