I Have a Problem Editing a GameMode

Ok....here i go...

I Downloaded ecmn1 By Denver/Astro/Sneaky/tAxI/Grove (those are the ones on the credits list in the gamemode)

and is soon as i got it (probably more than a year ago) i started changing it...you know...a bit here, and there...to icelandic... (but not using Icelandic Specific characters, being afraid it might fuck up the mod)

So anyway....i just began working on changing more of the mod to icelandic (Bot Messages,Rules, etc)

But it doesn't "work"...

The mod itself works...but the things i Add don't "show"...most things are still in english or german...

So when i'm done working on the mod this is exactly what i do:
Save - Compile+Run - Save Again - Exit Pawno, Start Up Server.....

Isn't that correct, or is there something else to it, that i might have forgotten?

Plus The Updates From the "Other" Thread i Posted in the General Discussion category...

DL Link (Uploaded By Me!, The "Broken" Thing...


Pawno Gave Me This Message:

SA-MP Server\gamemodes\ecmn1.pwn(819) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
SA-MP Server\gamemodes\ecmn1.pwn(819) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.

Originally Posted by ecmn1.pwn
804 new Serverbot;
805 new BotMessages[14][256] = {
806 " SERVERBOT: Skodadu Statsana hja Ther '/level'",
807 " SERVERBOT: Skrifadu /help Fyrir Lista yfir allar skipanir og /commands eda /commands2 fyrir Utskyringar!",
808 " SERVERBOT: Svindlarar og Hakkerar verda sjalfkrafa bannadir!",
809 " SERVERBOT: Utborgun er a klukkutima fresti! Levelid thitt * 8000 = Upphaedin",
810 " SERVERBOT: Viltu gera thinn eigin server? Kiktu a http://sa-mp.com!",
811 " SERVERBOT: Thu getur skodad allar skipanir med thvi ad skrifa inn '/help'",
812 " SERVERBOT: Vanvirding gegn Stjornendum Jafngildir Kicki!",
813 " SERVERBOT: Visit our Homepage: http://sampiceland.spruz.net or our Assiciates Website: gta.gussi.is",
814 " SERVERBOT: Thad er Skilda ad lesa Reglurnar! '/rules'",
815 " SERVERBOT: Ef thig vantar vinnu skaltu skrifa inn /jobs til ad sja thad sem er i bodi!",
816 " SERVERBOT: Thetta er Roleplay Server!!Adeins er leyfilegt ad drepa adra i Official Deathmotchum i Sjoraeningjaskipinu!",
817 " SERVERBOT: Vantar thig hjalp? Endilega Spurdu Stjornendur!, Listinn yfir Stjornendur sem eru til taks /admins .. !",
818 " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !",
819 };
i quoted the code as i had edited (and translated) it...

Anybody wanna help me with this thing?

I think the problem is this:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !", 
819  };
It should be:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !"
819  };
U should remove the comma in line 818. That's all! (I think)

Originally Posted by virspector
I think the problem is this:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !", 
819  };
It should be:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !"
819  };
U should remove the comma in line 818. That's all! (I think)
Just changed it, Compiled & Ran it, and this is the "Aftermath":

C:\Documents and Settings\Olafur\Desktop\SA-MP_Server\gamemodes\ecmn1.pwn(819) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Originally Posted by DJOlafur
Originally Posted by virspector
I think the problem is this:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !", 
819  };
It should be:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !"
819  };
U should remove the comma in line 818. That's all! (I think)
Just changed it, Compiled & Ran it, and this is the "Aftermath":

C:\Documents and Settings\Olafur\Desktop\SA-MP_Server\gamemodes\ecmn1.pwn(819) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
I think i know what to do: SURRENDER

Originally Posted by virspector
Originally Posted by DJOlafur
Originally Posted by virspector
I think the problem is this:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !", 
819  };
It should be:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !"
819  };
U should remove the comma in line 818. That's all! (I think)
Just changed it, Compiled & Ran it, and this is the "Aftermath":

C:\Documents and Settings\Olafur\Desktop\SA-MP_Server\gamemodes\ecmn1.pwn(819) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
I think i know what to do: SURRENDER
Too late to give up now.... it must just be a simple error....

please try to help me solve it, or if you give up atleast try to find someone who can help...

Originally Posted by DJOlafur
Originally Posted by virspector
Originally Posted by DJOlafur
Originally Posted by virspector
I think the problem is this:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !", 
819  };
It should be:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !"
819  };
U should remove the comma in line 818. That's all! (I think)
Just changed it, Compiled & Ran it, and this is the "Aftermath":

C:\Documents and Settings\Olafur\Desktop\SA-MP_Server\gamemodes\ecmn1.pwn(819) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
I think i know what to do: SURRENDER
Too late to give up now.... it must just be a simple error....

please try to help me solve it, or if you give up atleast try to find someone who can help...
new BotMessages[14][256]

new BotMessages[13][256]
as you only have 13 messages (count them :P)

Originally Posted by ev0lutionnn
Originally Posted by DJOlafur
Originally Posted by virspector
Originally Posted by DJOlafur
Originally Posted by virspector
I think the problem is this:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !", 
819  };
It should be:

818  " SERVERBOT: Thu getur gert Hradamaelirinn Ovirkann (vehicle,kp/h and health index) med thvi ad skrifa /speedo !"
819  };
U should remove the comma in line 818. That's all! (I think)
Just changed it, Compiled & Ran it, and this is the "Aftermath":

C:\Documents and Settings\Olafur\Desktop\SA-MP_Server\gamemodes\ecmn1.pwn(819) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
I think i know what to do: SURRENDER
Too late to give up now.... it must just be a simple error....

please try to help me solve it, or if you give up atleast try to find someone who can help...
new BotMessages[14][256]

new BotMessages[13][256]
as you only have 13 messages (count them :P)
Small error was Mean to me! Thanks Dude!
But anyway...
Quoting Pawno after fixing the error;
Originally Posted by Pawno
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size: 6828 bytes
Code size: 1146728 bytes
Data size: 5341712 bytes
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4733 cells (18932 bytes)
Total requirements: 6511652 bytes
Seems like it should work perfectly....except...now i've only got left to see if the server is still all in english/german (as i was translating all the rules,and stuff to icelandic)

Gaah! New Problem... Server Doesn't seem to Want to Start Up!
Double Clicky on samp-server.exe
it Starts,but "doesnt" and then Disappears, in less than a 1/2 second

pawn Код:
#pragma dynamic 449
...somewhere below includes should fix it
The value can be different from 449 - lower or higher

Originally Posted by Sznupek
pawn Код:
#pragma dynamic 449
...somewhere below includes should fix it
The value can be different from 449 - lower or higher
what does this thing mean?
where should i add it (where in the code?)

Do i just put it here?
Originally Posted by ecmn1_In_Pawno
110 //================================================== =====================================//
112 Credits:
114 Credits to Denver/Astro for the base of this script!
115 Credits to FeaR for parts of godfather script
116 Credits to Sneaky
117 Credits to tAxI for Streamer
118 Credits to Grove for lotto script
121 */
123 #include <a_samp>
125 #pragma tabsize 0 // loose indetitation warnings will ignored
126 #pragma dynamic 449
127 static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
I Compiled, and Ran it, (No Errors)
Then tried to start the server...but it didn't work...

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