Help Me " Out Of Stock " Rent Cars In LA:RP Help me Please

Friends, I have a bug the cars of revenue can rent initially(originally) but in a moment till now on having tried to rent message goes out
: " Out Of Stock " Help Me Please Its The Unique Bug With My Script And Not that to do Please Help me Biggers Scripters Of This Beautiful Comunity :-

sorry for doble-post but need help help me friends of sa-mp comunity help me please

Post in LA-RP Topic

Originally Posted by RastamaN[BzD
Friends, I have a bug the cars of revenue can rent initially(originally) but in a moment till now on having tried to rent message goes out
: " Out Of Stock " Help Me Please Its The Unique Bug With My Script And Not that to do Please Help me Biggers Scripters Of This Beautiful Comunity
When it says out of stock on a LA:RP GM script you have to ask some one who are working with trucker, The job is a bit from Ocean docks bridge. If there aint any truckers you can allways use /edit products 500, if you use more then 500 your server will bug. The limit on LA:RP in products is 500. To fill up the rent car you have to go to the biz of the rent cars and that one should be at Grotti, put your self at the icon "i" and type /edit products 500 then it will not be out of stock until some one have rent a car 500 times.

Very , Very , Very Thanks Fot The Help

/edit products 1000000000000000000000000000000

or, edit script and remove Out of Stock.

Originally Posted by Mr187
/edit products 1000000000000000000000000000000

or, edit script and remove Out of Stock.
No - You fail, if you do 10000000000000000 it only sets it up to the 0/500 it's meant to be, so 500/500 not 100000000000000000000/1000000000000000

where is grotti??

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