0.3 5-1 Flickering objects all over sa. and low mem message

(vista 32 bit and vista 64 bit)

1. Objects are flickering then dissapear depending on what angle you camera is when up in the air also
one of my admin while on the ground objects dont apear in front of him but they are there just invisable so he crashes in to them while driving.
by objects i mean actual game objects not add objects buildings ground exct..
i guess its the memory thing causeing this with rc4-4 we didnt have these problems

2. Another one of my admins can drive a nrg into the ls mod shop and put rims on it also put none modifyable vehicles.....he uses a clean install with no mods i tryed this and it dosen't happen for me
he runs windows xp.

Hope this help.. {MadMan}

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