Sa:mp 0.2x crashes gtasa.exe

Hy everyone, first of all sorry for mistakes, im only 16y old, and im from Lithuania
Now here's the problem i got:
When i play in any kind of server, i can play in the server max 7minutes, because after ~7min gta_sa.exe colses and board gta_sa.exe send error dont send shows. I have no idea what to do, thats SO anoying - i cant play normaly :/ My instalation is good, because my friend play with that instal and it works perfectly... My sa aint mod'ed. I even try to change the "crack" - doesnt help... I allso tryed to change windows compatibility for gta_sa.exe and samp.exe to windows 2000 ME 98 - no one of them helped... Still that anoying send error dont send...
My windows i think is good to: i got it from microsoft to my country - legal disk with legal cdkey - windowsxp sp2
I hope you will help me - no one knows solution to this problem

theres no information about my problem
today i also tryed new instalation os sa... still the same thing

This is SA:MP prob

Btw new instalation doesn't help

Originally Posted by r4z8r
This is SA:MP prob
And what do you think what is in those links..?

If you're implying that anybody under the age of 16 is illiterate, then you're completely incorrect. There's people on this forum who are 12 and can script very well, I myself am one year younger than you and can script.

And those links help you diagnose the errors you're facing, check them as they're basically an FAQ.

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Originally Posted by r4z8r
This is SA:MP prob
And what do you think what is in those links..?
Nothing important ! I have modded sa, and works perfectly.In some places you can crash (grove street) sometimes when a lot players playing.But funny is, anybody who need help, you posting these links.With clean sa, i always crash, but with some mods my sa works fine.How ironic

@ upam da razumeљ, ne blefiram v prazno, vem pa da ti linki preprosto ne pomagajo, kajti na določenih mestih pride do crasha.To se dogaja vedno ko je poln server, in sicer /200 igralcev

Originally Posted by r4z8r
Nothing important ! I have modded sa, and works perfectly.In some places you can crash (grove street) sometimes when a lot players playing.But funny is, anybody who need help, you posting these links.With clean sa, i always crash, but with some mods my sa works fine.How ironic
They're useful, i don't know where his problem is but there is 85% chance that he'll find a solution in those two links.

That's like it crashed, after some windows reinstalls it was fix, i didn't reinstall my windows for this though lol.


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