30.08.2009, 22:39
Well, what I want to do is have someone's wanted level recorded to FightClubWantedLevel when they enter the fight club (which is a DMing area) and when they leave, I want them to have their wanted level set back to what it was when they entered (because the killing in the club will cause their wanted level to go up). I am just giving you guys a little sample code so you can try and help me on what may be wrong. Thanks in advance guys!:
And the errors:
#include <a_samp> forward WantedLevelFightClub(); forward WantedLevelFightClubExit(); // This is for the entrance to the Fight Club: new FightClubWantedLevel[MAX_PLAYERS]; public WantedLevelFightClub() { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { new FCWantedOne = GetPlayerWantedLevel(i); { FightClubWantedLevel[i] = FCWantedOne; } } } // And this is for the exit: public WantedLevelFightClubExit() { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++); { new FCWanted = FightClubWantedLevel[i]; { SetPlayerWantedLevel(i, FCWanted); } } }
C:\Users\Gamer\Desktop\Stuff\FlightClubWantedLevel.pwn(21) : error 036: empty statement C:\Users\Gamer\Desktop\Stuff\FlightClubWantedLevel.pwn(23) : error 017: undefined symbol "i" C:\Users\Gamer\Desktop\Stuff\FlightClubWantedLevel.pwn(25) : error 017: undefined symbol "i" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 3 Errors.