
Hello, I forwarded my ports a few weeks ago...

It worked fine...

But suddenly just now its no more on the internet...

I tried forwarding the ports again but still NOTHING!

Please help!

Thanks in return...

~Best ~ Regards~

Hey mate, if your using wireless, make sure to not reset your router, too much, this messes up your IP's some times, it happened to me when i first owned a server, just reset your internet one more time, then wait a day or 2, and try forwarding it up again, remember, don't forget, your IP changes when you forward it...

I'm not using wireless.

Forward different ports then like what ports did you forward?

I have had the same problem once before but i realised that my internet provider changed my external IP so check to make sure your external IP is the same ( then edit config file if needed....

Or you could change your server name by adding one character because I had to change it on mine to get it to work....

Hope that helps

Your localhost IP Address is changed!

Goto ==> Start ==> Run ==> type 'cmd' without those quotes ==> type 'ipconfig' without those quotes again

Get your localhost IP Address (IPv4) or (IPv6) or (IP Address) and Portforward with that IP Address That would probably make it work, mate!


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