[help]setting an interior to a vahecle[help]

hey all i am mapper and i maded maiself custom interior for swat van but i dont know how to make it so when i enter as passeger it tele me to the int i maded please help me

1) Stop using [help][help][help] a thousand times in your topic titles, that won't get you an answer any faster.
2) Look in the filterscript sections, there recently has been released a few custom vehicle interiors, just edit them.

- OnPlayerStateChange
- SetPlayerPos
- SetPlayerVirtualWorld
- OnPlayerKeyStateChange
- Search

Originally Posted by //exora
1) Stop using [help][help][help] a thousand times in your topic titles, that won't get you an answer any faster.
2) Look in the filterscript sections, there recently has been released a few custom vehicle interiors, just edit them.
Hmm so your telling him to copy? good idea!

Lets make him copy so his topics get deleted !

Originally Posted by XxCozzaxX
Hmm so your telling him to copy? good idea!

Lets make him copy so his topics get deleted !
Huh? It's for personal usage.
.. your post doesn't really make any sense, try re-phrasing in english, not to be harsh, lol.

Personal use? he released it. but i reported and its now deleted.

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