Surviving GM question

I am going to make a GM that is based off of survival stuff.Like you need to find areas with water and you get HP from the water*pickups are in certain water spots*and that stuff.My spawn will be a large thing of islands in the sky,and you have to survive on them,but I don't know how to get the coords to spawn there.I can't go there manually can I?Because it's going to be high up,and I can't find a way to get there.

Make an object where you need to get, but don't add it to the GM. Just take the coordinates and make a quick teleport.

OH!How did I not figure that out?Thanks

So I make the object,convert the map,make a spawn from the coords,go to MTA map editor,make the map where the object is,delete the one object,convert the map,and add the map?

Just make your map. Then the last object you add needs to be the object you will get coordinates from. Convert the map. Put it into the GM without the last object. Take the X Y Z from the last object and make a Class or a Teleport to it.

You should get a Object such as: (Obviously don't use mine, use the object that u made at the spawn point.

CreateObject(983, 1534.439209, 663.290771, 10.503867, 0.0000, 0.0000, 91.9597);

Now, get the UNDERLINED bits, copy them.

and now before that CreateObject, make it look like //CreateObjects (blablabla)

Now insert them here"

AddPlayerClass(170,PASTE THEM HERE! 0,0,0,0,0,0);

and add that to your Gamemodeinit

Now, as for the water things, etc, make a pickup, and when its called, make it give you HP.

If you want the player to spawn with a little bit of health, add this to your on onplayerspawn

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