Preselect the player class?


I save the selected player class in a MySQL table on my server. But how can I restore the selected class.
I mean if I select class 15 and spawn and then leave the server and come back again, class 15 should be selected on the Class Selection screen. So I don't have to scroll to class 15.

How can I make it work?

Does no one have an idea?

Look at how YSI does it, create 3 dummy classes and use a change to tell which direction the player changed to. If you do it this way, you can make the initial class anywhere in your list.

Ok, I'll try it.

//EDIT: Ok it works.
But now the next problem: There are just 3 classes. Is it possible to remove the text "Class x weapons" from the class selection or replace it with a custom text (e.g. "Skin x")?

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