Putting in Interior for Login


i want to do the folowing IF it is possible

i have just fineshed mny login script - HUZZAH!

BUT - if the player IS NOT registred they go to class selection pick a skin then go to an interior to login

IF THEY ARE REGISTRED i want to send the to an interior to login

is it possible?

if so, HOW?

im a noobie scripter and a noob so, plz help!

pawn Код:
OnPlayerSpawn ( playerid )
  if ( LoggedIn [ playerid ] == 0 ) // Change to your login variable
    //SetPlayerPos and SetPlayerInterior Here
Something like that?

yh, kindof, would you like to see my login script?

just to say if it can be done with the script i have :P

Yea ok. Can you upload it to pastebin please?

yh ok


Yea ok. Can you upload it to pastebin please?

here is the link http://pastebin.com/f73718aff

pawn Код:
OnPlayerSpawn ( playerid )
  if ( gPlayerLogged [ playerid ] == 0 )
    SetPlayerPos ( playerid , X , Y , Z );
    SetPlayerInterior ( playerid , Interior );
Put the insides to that OnPlayerSpawn inside your OnPlayerSpawn and change the X , Y , Z to your coords and the interior to your desired interior.

EDIT: By the way, i do NOT recomend lines 222 - 248. Puting that much stuff inside OnPlayerUpdate can make it EXTREMELY laggy.

ok, when i try to compile i get loads of errors

could you post an example of the script using an ID XYZ ETC


pawn Код:
OnPlayerSpawn ( playerid )
  if ( gPlayerLogged [ playerid ] == 0 )
    SetPlayerPos ( playerid , 100.0 , 1500.0 , 10.0 );
    SetPlayerInterior ( playerid , 0);
NOTE: This will spawn you at a random coordinate.

ah ok thanks

you want credits in the server?

im nice like that

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