You got swine flu? post here.

Well, i am starting the symptoms of it, I feel sick, Hot and very weak D:

my tempture is 38.8C, And 40C can kill you >.< Which sucks. But you know.

Anyone else here have symptoms? Or have actually been comfirmed by a doctor to have swine flu? Its better to have it now than later, As it can mutate into Worse things, If you get it now you will be immune

Ehm, For you guys who say im whining, To be honest im not scared of it at all, I'm just curious who else has it :3

Quit whining, it's a normal flu.

meh, I don't think you will be immune later. It's not like chicken pocks (or how the hell you write that).

( + There was a topic about the Swine Flu in here already right? )

This is one for who has it, Also You do become immune from what the doctor says.

It's not swine, its whine flu

Originally Posted by miceiken
Quit whining, it's a normal flu.
Shut up, its not normal flu.

Normal flu changes, Swine flu stays the same form, so you can get it again, unless you become immune.

Ah shut up, goddamn everyones thinks they got swine flu, some people fuckin showin it off like its a good thing
And even if you did, why would you make a topic like this, just gonna be one big round up of people with whine flu

Immune? Even doctors are scared of what defects you will have in future, its not known yet. And its symptoms of normal flu.

I had swine flu, i now have 3 arms as a result.

Originally Posted by xClumx``
I had swine flu, i now have 3 arms as a result.
Thats not funny.

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