I need help with making Objects

Okay now, my problem is that i can't seem to understand where to get these commands /ocreate, /odestroy etc, i mean i want to map, because i searched the whole forum, and i didn't founf anything, i don't need a thing like a program, i need to be IG and use those commands so i could make objects, can someone please help me with it, and if you'll give me the script, please tell me in what place Exactly to put it, i'm still a noob in this things, but i'm trying to understand, i started to script for 2 weeks now, so no need to judge me, just please help me

i got the same problem dude

Download the MTA SA: Race and put objects, after it, go to a converter website/converter program and convert it to CreateObject-s

//I dunno why it's green

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