Client crashes often.. Does my server causes that?

From yesterday client crashed like 5 times.. I get message "Send Report (to sa-mp team)"
And it happens if I press Alt+Tab in-game and then want to go back from windows to game..
OS: Win XP SP2

P.S. I used Alt+Tab earlier and it didn't crashed, but it started since yesterday...

Ok, My client started to crash really often in my server and some others..

In my server client starts crashing at random time and keeps crashing to everyone till server restart..
Could anyone help me? If I'd post crash "message" could anyone tell me what's wrong?

I dont know why this happens but it is really getting on my tits lately, but hey sa-mp 0.3 cant be too long away now pal just wait.

Originally Posted by International
I dont know why this happens but it is really getting on my tits lately, but hey sa-mp 0.3 cant be too long away now pal just wait.
Just wait? I'm waiting it for 3-4 months already...
Anyway I think there is something wrong with my server... But I don't know what to do...
My server is v1.0 and I've only backed up v0.8 beta.. And in v1.0 a LOT of changes were made... So idk.....

lol ive been waiting since October 2007 it must be good to say its taking all this time.#

Could be your script

When I compile my script I see

Header size: 5296 bytes
Code size: 276296 bytes
Data size: 1687236 bytes
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4346 cells (17384 bytes)
Total requirements: 1985212 bytes

Could that cause crashing? If no, what does it means?

try reinstalling SA-MP... my client started crashing to... i reinstalled and it worx now

Originally Posted by GhOstY93
try reinstalling SA-MP... my client started crashing to... i reinstalled and it worx now
Already tried that..

Today I've deleted vehicle streamer from my script and it didn't crashed to anybody in my server yet..

When you alt-tab, it stops packets from being sent to and throw, when you tab back in it regularly flodos you/the server with packets causing a possible crash. Some computers' are able to handle this, it really depends on your CPU load (..I think..).

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