Vehicle virtual world and interior

Hello ... again.

I've got another problem which I don't see solution for it.
I made that vehicles save their virtual world and interior in the file. On server restart 'LoadDynamicCars()' is called which spawns all the cars from the file. I also added SetVehicleVirtualWorld & LinkVehicleToInterior, so vehicles would be set in the right vw and interior.

When I teleport to interior and vw where vehicle should spawn there is nothing. I put myself in that vehicle ID and I become invisable (I am still in the right interior and virtual world). I use command which just does
					new inter = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
					new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
					LinkVehicleToInterior(vehicleid, DynamicCars[car][Interior]);
					SetVehicleVirtualWorld(vehicleid, DynamicCars[car][World]);
and I and vehicle become visable.

So basically vehicle is in the right virtual world and interior just stuck a little bit off ground and invisable. When I put myself in that vehicle vehicle blink a bit, so I can see it for a second before it disappears.
Oh and vehicles in vw and interior 0 spawn normally, just vehicles in any other interiors and virtual worlds cause problems. I have also tried to call SetVehicleVirtualWorld & LinkVehicleToInterior two times on 'LoadDynamicCars()', but nothing has changed.

I was thinking quite a bit, but I haven't found any solution to this yet.

Thanks for help

I have tried adding static vehicle now and it happens the same.
pawn Код:
new vehicle1 = AddStaticVehicle(468,-1430.6820,-630.2808,1049.8923,279.2261,5,5); //Sanchez
    LinkVehicleToInterior(vehicle1, 4);
    SetVehicleVirtualWorld(vehicle1, 7);
I guess it's SA:MP bug? And if it is, any way to avoid it?

I've never had any problems linking a vehicle to an interior and changing it's virtual world, not sure...

It seems today is nto my scripting day Nothing works

It's weird that even static vehicle doesn't appear in right interior and vw :/

I also added myself some debug messages and everything seemed to be okay and IG it's not

It works now. I made a timer on GameModeInit which calls a function which sets vehicle virtual worlds.

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