[GameMode] [GM] Los Santos Death Match [0.1 BETA]

I decided to make my first public gamemode a few days ago. I decided to go with a very basic Death Match.

It doesn't have a lot of features at the moment, because it's just the first version, but future versions will have more features. At the moment, there are no cars in the server, they will be added in the next version, for now you can either use a car spawner filterscript, or you can add a few yourself.

There is a Public Beta server up for you to see how it is. The IP is

If you have any questions about the server, or want me to add anything or found a bug, please post a reply.

Pastebin: http://zer0x.pastebin.com/f69aff7de

I'l try it out with my brother right now.

hehe nice man

congrats on your first relece

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