Would anybody care to tell me how to do this?

Hello all.
Well, i was wondering how i could load vehicle positions, colours and ofcourse the model from a file in the scriptfiles folder.
Basicly, a custom callback to load the vehicles out of the file and into the CreateVehicle function, and this callback could be called from OnGameModeInit, if i remember correctly, thare was an example in the sa-mp Windows server package, but as for some reason that i don't know of, i cannot download it, i get a " page not found " message, strangely this is happening on all websites that link me to a http://files.URL link.

I'de greatly appreciate if somebody could give me an example of this kind of script.

Thankyou for your time.

<Removed> Sorry, Buggy Script!

In your scriptfiles folder there should be a folder called vehiclelists. In that folder you'll find a bunch of txt files and a readme. The readme contains the code to load the vehicles.

Originally Posted by Vince
In your scriptfiles folder there should be a folder called vehiclelists. In that folder you'll find a bunch of txt files and a readme. The readme contains the code to load the vehicles.
Thankyou very much.

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